Tuesday, January 27, 2009

31 Things to Do Before I Turn 31

So I read this article in Essence about how writing out lists of your goals helps you to accomplish them. I am all about lists. I have several post it notes on my desk at work listing what I need to do for the day. I have lists of the ideal qualities I want in a man (we're almost at 100 now). I have lists in my head of my top 5 movies or the best singles of the 1990s. But what I love most about lists (even beyond how fun it is to create them) is how good it feels to check something off of one. So I put together a list of 31 things I want to do before I turn 31. Unfortunately, I didn't create this list until December . . . which means I have less than a year to get many of these things done. I recognize some of them will take me longer than even a year to do, and some I was able to accomplish over the weekend. Nonetheless, I have this list at home, it's in my Blackberry and now it's in cyberspace . . .

If anyone is reading this, and can help me accomplish any of these goals, please let me know! For example, if you want to go see an independent film (yes, I still need to see "Slum Dog Millionaire") or you know a place to get a good bicycle, desk or large mirror, HOLLA!

THE LIST (in no particular order)
1. Find a physical activity I enjoy doing
2. Write a book
3. Do sit-ups nightly
4. Eliminate credit card debt by 50%
5. Get 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3 times/week
6. Make one home improvement
7. Lose at least 20 lbs
8. Get a passport
9. Go to New Orleans
10. Watch more documentaries and independent films
11. Get a bicycle
12. Balance my checkbook weekly
13. Buy a desk
14. Find a side gig
15. Take vitamins daily
16. Drink more water
17. Get carpets cleaned - DONE!
18. Learn more about football
19. Stop wearing so much black
20. Read more
21. Increase balance in savings account
22. Cook one major meal each week
23. Buy a pair of designer jeans
24. Reduce junk food and fast food intake
25. Buy a large mirror for the dining room
26. Pay off car!
27. Get a physical
28. Complete family tree and send to family
29. Achieve more physical satisfaction
30. Eliminate negative relationships - platonic, familial and romantic
31. Get more involved in church

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