Monday, April 19, 2010

One Last Hurrah

Now I haven't seen the movie "Leaving Las Vegas" but I understand it's a story of a man who finds out he's dying and goes on one last binge in Vegas. I'm going through a bit of a "Leaving Las Vegas" moment right now.

I'm pretty close to making a firm commitment to a diet and exercise. I have toyed with it over the last few months, but for the most part I've just made some small changes that haven't required too much effort. Now I am proud of those small changes because they've actually turned out not to be too hard, but I know now that I have to make some changes that might actually be harder.

I joined a boot camp my sorhority sister is putting on in May. And I decided to give Weight Watchers a chance again (totally inspired by fellow new mom, Jennifer Hudson and her recent weight loss). But before I totally commit to all of this I want to go on one last hurrah. That means fresh bread and Parmesan garlic spread from the Farmer's Market. It means naps when the baby isn't with me. It means buying lunch at work.

I'm hoping my current "binge" will end better than Nicolas Cage's. Actually I'm sure it will.


  1. I'm all for binging! My problem is losing track of the blurry line between normal behavior and binging (like, isn't it normal to have a gigantic cupcake everyday?) Do you have a time limit on how long you're going to allow yourself to act a fool? Or a lifeline that will bring you back to normalcy?

  2. i try to limit it to say, a weekend. then the weekend turns into a week, a month, and then next thing you know I have binged for all of 2009!
