Monday, April 12, 2010

Letter to My Body

My sorhority sister is getting together a group of us who want to lose weight. Serious weight. You got to want to lose more than 25 to be even in the club. She suggested we all start the process by writing letters to our bodies. Here's my attempt.

Dear Body,
I am so disappointed in you. What happened? Now, I know that you have never really been at your best. But for God's sake you've been so much better! Now all I hear from you is how tired you are. How you'd much rather do anything in your free time but exercise. What happened to your energy? What happened to your spunk? What happened to our connection? What happened to my control over you?!?

I remember about 10 years ago in college when you used to thrive off of little sleep. A full day of classes and work was nothing when we were in our early 20s. We still managed to go to the gym. And we felt less pressure to be skinny. We felt good about ourself and it showed to the world. But now after a 12 hour day you are exhausted beyond belief. And you seem to have no desire to do too much about it.

I realize that it's partially me. I'm keeping you deflated. I am feeling so guilty about spending time away from the baby that I think I keep accepting your excuses. But we have to take care of ourself FOR the baby. We want him to be proud of us. We want to be a good role model for him. And we want to be able to run around in the park after him when he finally starts walking.

So let's get back on track, Body. Let's stop making excuses. Let's realize that those yummy foods only make us feel better momentarily. I'll stop being mad at you if you stop ignoring me. Let's love each other again. After all, we can only truly feel better about ourself if we start addressing our flaws.

Love, Jam Rockah

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