Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being a Mom, Not Looking Like One

Although now I am someone's mom, I don't want to look like it. Now there are some tell tale signs that I can't prevent no matter what I wear - the spit up on my dark shirts, the wet spots when I forget to put in nursing pads, the ever present diaper bag, etc. But suddenly for the first time (ever I think), I've felt the need to step up my style.

I've never been super into clothes. Sure, like anyone I like to feel and look good. But I certainly didn't care a lot about label brands or the latest trends. In fact, historically, I haven't liked spending a lot of time shopping for clothes and shoes. There are about 5-10 other things I'd rather do than scour the mall or San Francisco for the best pair of black heels.

Since having a baby though - and especially during this time when I'm trying to shed weight - I've been feeling like I need to put a little more thought into my look. So I've spent a lot of time trying to find good fabrics and good fits and quality brands. I picked up InStyle magazine. I ventured into Nordstroms. I even found myself googling the term "stylist" in hopes that I would be able to find one to come in and analyze my closet.

With the kid here, I don't have a lot of extra money to put towards clothes. So we're not talking a whole new wardrobe or anything. But I think I need to be focusing on a few quality pieces rather than filling up my closet with items from the sales rack at the Gap. A pair of nice slacks this month, maybe a cute blazer next month. And a pair of designer jeans when I reach my goal.
I notice women of every size can look good - I can't wait until I reach my ideal weight in order to be stylish. So until then, I'm working with what I've got.

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