So that has changed. In just a week. A combination of things happened that have made me feel self-conscious again. Let me add them up for you:
- 3 strangers (all women past 40 mind you) all commented that either the baby looked big or I was carrying twins
- My doctor told me the total amount of weight I have gained
- I saw recent pictures of myself
- My friend and my doctor both commented that my feet looked swollen
This all equates to me feeling like a whale on legs. Now, it's not that I THRIVE on compliments or anything, but it is nice to get a once over from a man on the street or even a honking of a horn when I cross the street. When you're 7 months pregnant, those seem to decrease a bit. This does not mean I don't want the phony "It's okay that you look fat, you're pregnant!" backwards compliments. They are not compliments. And I'm not writing this as a means to seek more - I just am perhaps acknowledging that maybe I may not escape the puffy face look of other pregnant women that I have dreaded . . .
And I've got over 2 more months to go . . . crap . . .
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