Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Market Crash

Since I'm slated to go back to work in 3 weeks, I've been slowly increasing my activity so that I can easily rejoin mainstream society . . . this means driving myself to the doctor, taking short trips to the ATM and attending some events that don't involve a lot of walking or standing.

Tonight, I tried by far the biggest activity I have done since before my surgery in July - I went to the grocery store.

Two words: NEVER AGAIN

Nothing big happened or anything, but man does grocery store shopping SUCK when you have not been on your feet for too long in 6 weeks. Add to that the fact that my back hurts because of the load I'm carrying in the front. On top of the fact that Mondays are among the worst days to grocery shop so I was trying to maneuver around carts and too many people - and I'm not the most flexible these days . . .

And then there's this peculiar sensation that everyone was looking at me. And not in the "Her Hair is Awesome" or "That Outfit is Hot" way. I mean, in the "Dang, she's pregnant" or "That looks uncomfortable" way. I'm 7 months into my pregnancy and I am not used to that. Remember, I haven't regularly been around people in 6 weeks. So I have not become accustomed to the stares (or gawks really). In fact, I'm still a little shocked when I wake up in the morning and catch my profile in the bathroom mirror. Part of my discomfort at the grocery store was not just physical but mental.

Lesson learned. No more grocery trips for me.

1 comment:

  1. There are plenty of places that now deliver =) Post a picture... I want to see you 7 months along!
