Sunday, March 28, 2010

Go Hard or Go Home

I wouldn't call myself a party girl or anything, but while in my 20s I was keenly aware that my ability to do whatever I wanted to do was limited. I would not be able to sleep until noon my whole life, or spend $100 on drinks at Kincaid's on a Tuesday night or go to South Beach for a few days to hang out with friends. About 2 years ago, as I was turning 30, I told my friend that I was beginning to see perhaps the end of my life of self-indulgence. He told me I had about a 10 more years to "go hard" and just do whatever I wanted. I very much listened to him and prior to getting pregnant really did try to "go hard" and just do what I wanted to do - regardless of the impact on me, my health (my weight) or my bank account. And you know what? I had a good time. I never took it too far but far enough that I can look back and be happy I didn't say no to the last minute trips, the mid-week dates or the impromptu parties. Because now that I can't do those things because the baby has a schedule, I'm breastfeeding and I have a tighter budget, I don't feel like I missed out on anything.

I think though the most important thing I have to realize is that I want to make sure I model healthy behaviors. The other day I was at a BBQ with my co-workers. There was a ton of food and drinks, from chips to cookies to carne asada - but my boss's 3 year old son was happily eating carrots. It was refreshing to see a little boy bypass the 2 large bowls of potato chips in favor of the bowl of veggies. I realize that kids need to see their parents model healthy behaviors in order for them to develop them. So now, just as I saw the end of my party-like ways, I am seeing the end of my unhealthy behaviors. And you know what? I'm okay with that too.

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