Friday, January 1, 2010

My Son, the Future Trainer

I am writing this mainly as a reminder to myself.

So it's Friday, which means it's time for Vernon's Hip Hop class at the gym. I have been excited about going for the past 2 weeks (we didn't have class last week because of the holidays) because I really enjoyed the first class. However, around 3pm today I began thinking I would not go . . .

See, it's New Year's Day. Not that the baby and I were out clubbing til dawn - matter of fact we barely (well, I did, he was knocked out around 10pm) made it to 12 am. But yesterday I forgot to take a nap. I have survived the last 2 weeks by taking naps during the day to prepare me for the long nights (the baby is pretty consistent in waking up every 2-3 hours at night). I don't know if I felt like Superwoman or what, but I didn't take my customary nap and as a result, the 4am and the 6am feedings were particularly brutal.

So today I was tired. Very tired. And I felt if I didn't go to class but used that non-baby time to sleep, I'd be justified. I'm a new mother after all.

I battled with myself for about an hour before deciding that I would not go and I would instead sleep. However, my son had other ideas. While I had been having my internal battle, he had been asleep. Once I decided I would not be attending Vernon's class, he woke up - and was feeling quite demanding. After I had changed and fed him and we had done some laps in my home, I was fully awake and feeling a bit re-energized. I decided that the baby was trying to help me get back on the exercise horse.

So I went to class. And it was GREAT! I had such a good time! I worked up a sweat, I danced and I really enjoyed myself.

So far, my child is earning his keep . . .


  1. I'm just catching up with your blog (added you to my Google Reader) and I love it. This post in particular is so inspirational. Sometimes we don't notice - or choose to ignore the subtle motivators in our lives. I love that you recognize your son's power and influence. You must make him proud!

  2. I'm glad you are sticking to your guns. I have that inner conversation EACH time I need to work out and I'm nobody's new mother. Just remember that you are a new mommy so don't be TOO hard on yourself. Keep up the good work, friend!
