Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ode to My Lime Green Pants

Oh, Lime Green (yellow to some) Capris, how I appreciate you

We met during my September 2008 trip to South Beach Miami. The pants I brought with me had been destroyed when some hairspray exploded in my suitcase. I was so grateful to find you on the clearance rack at the Gap - the right size, right color and fit. I purchased you immediately, and together we strolled out onto Lincoln Road, off to do something touristy.

I wore you a couple times when I was back in California. But soon the weather changed and it was too cold to wear you. By the time Spring came back around, well, I was pregnant and you stayed with the rest of my pre-pregnancy clothes in the back of my closet.

A year later, I tried you again and you didn't fit. In fact, every time I tried to squeeze you on, I got depressed because although I had given birth several months prior, I still couldn't fit you. Then one day, a few months ago, I slid you on and you fit! In fact, you fit well. I even got some compliments. You became a regular staple in my summer wardrobe.

Lime Green Capris, I wore you yesterday. And as much as I love you, I realize we have to depart. Not because it's fall now and you're clearly a summer color. But because I found myself pulling you up several times yesterday. When I stood up after sitting at my desk for a few hours, you were no longer capris because you had slid down to around my ankles. You're too big for me now, Lime Green Capris. And so I should give you to someone else and make room for a pair of light-colored capris in a smaller size.

I will miss you Lime Green Capris! You remind me of the fun I had in South Beach. You are a symbol of summer, happiness and living healthy. But REJOICE Lime Green Capris because this means I am smaller than I was pre-pregnancy! And THAT we can celebrate together before you go off to your new owner.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I have an extreme admiration for people who have found their niche. From the Deadheads to Trekkies, I am in awe of people who have found something they really enjoy. Regardless of how nerdy it might be.

I took my son with me down to Santa Cruz on Labor Day Weekend and we met up with a friend from high school who took us on a hike. Upon arriving at the park in the Santa Cruz mountains, we stumbled upon this medieval reenactment group. They were all dressed up in their armor, with their shields and swords. At first we laughed at them - I mean it was kinda corny. But as we watched them for a bit and spoke with one of them, we began to realize these people were having a really good time.

I've always wanted to find a unique niche for myself. I guess an outsider could look at my life and assume my niche is being in a sorority. I mean, like the medieval people, we wear costumes (letters), use canes, have coordinated dances . . . we travel, compete, etc. It might even be corny to outsiders. I'm not sure if I want that to be my only niche though. It would be nice to find something that my son and I could do together - and something that might be physical so we can continue to incorporate physical activity into our daily lives.

Either way, I realized I really respect people who do what they love to do. Even if it is dressing up like Sir Lancelot and jousting in a park in Santa Cruz.