We met during my September 2008 trip to South Beach Miami. The pants I brought with me had been destroyed when some hairspray exploded in my suitcase. I was so grateful to find you on the clearance rack at the Gap - the right size, right color and fit. I purchased you immediately, and together we strolled out onto Lincoln Road, off to do something touristy.
I wore you a couple times when I was back in California. But soon the weather changed and it was too cold to wear you. By the time Spring came back around, well, I was pregnant and you stayed with the rest of my pre-pregnancy clothes in the back of my closet.
A year later, I tried you again and you didn't fit. In fact, every time I tried to squeeze you on, I got depressed because although I had given birth several months prior, I still couldn't fit you. Then one day, a few months ago, I slid you on and you fit! In fact, you fit well. I even got some compliments. You became a regular staple in my summer wardrobe.
Lime Green Capris, I wore you yesterday. And as much as I love you, I realize we have to depart. Not because it's fall now and you're clearly a summer color. But because I found myself pulling you up several times yesterday. When I stood up after sitting at my desk for a few hours, you were no longer capris because you had slid down to around my ankles. You're too big for me now, Lime Green Capris. And so I should give you to someone else and make room for a pair of light-colored capris in a smaller size.
I will miss you Lime Green Capris! You remind me of the fun I had in South Beach. You are a symbol of summer, happiness and living healthy. But REJOICE Lime Green Capris because this means I am smaller than I was pre-pregnancy! And THAT we can celebrate together before you go off to your new owner.