About a year ago, I went to my coworker's 50th b-day party. She had on a fabulous dress, and I told her so. She said, "Yeah, I thought this is something that you would wear." I laughed - indeed, it WAS something I would totally wear.
About a month or two ago, a different coworker had on a dress that I also thought was fabulous. I told her I liked it and would totally wear it. She said, "I thought of you when I bought this - I knew you would like it." I laughed again because it was true - but this time I didn't laugh for as long.
Seems I have a style. And others notice.
This realization came to a head two weeks ago when I attempted to clean out my closet. I was motivated to do so because it disgusted me and I couldn't even walk in it. Meanwhile, I was lamenting every morning because I had nothing to wear. So I got online to my favorite website (Oprah.com) and found some tips for cleaning out your closet.
I started with this rack of dresses I had. As per Oprah's tips, I tried on every single dress I own. One after the other. By dress #5 I realized that I was trying on the same style dress. Sure, the length or the pattern or the fabric was different. But it was nonetheless the same dress.
I am so boring.
I have admitted in prior blog entries that I'm not super into fashion. I favor the functional over the bold. I was told once that my personality was FLAMBOYANT so I didn't need my clothes to be FLAMBOYANT too.
But for two separate people that I work with - and these are not people who I hang out with on a regular basis, mind you - to notice that I favor the same types of clothes and for every dress I own to be the same . . . I mean, that means I am officially BORING.
I commenced to cleaning my entire closet. I got rid of clothes that didn't fit unless I sucked in. I got rid of clothes that fit but were unflattering. I got rid of the multiple dresses I had in the same style. Now I am left with a bare bones closet of clothes that I actually wear and that seem to work for me. There were maybe 2-3 things I couldn't bear to get rid of because I know they will be useful one day (a formal dress that doesn't quite fit but that was expensive and I know is close to fitting, a work outfit that I really like that is a little tight over my still-nursing boobs, etc.). But for the most part my closet is EMPTY.
I will admit that the clothes I got rid of I technically didn't get rid of per se - they're still sitting in bags in my hallway. I don't think I am quite ready to give them away yet. But I will. I just need to get up the courage . . . change is hard.
Meanwhile, I am trying really hard to build my wardrobe back up - this time, using more tips from Oprah.com and focusing on the few quality pieces that every working woman needs.
And the bags of clothes still sit in my hallway . . .