Sunday, July 5, 2009

It Ain't Where You're At, It's Where You're Going

Okay, so I have taken a break from writing in my blog here. Not because I've had writer's block or have given up the journey. But mainly because over the last few months my goals have sort of changed. Oh, I still am trying to be healthy. It's just I'm no longer in control over my, ahem, weight gain or work outs. I'm hoping everyone can read between the lines.

However, this experience, much like the dieting/exercise experience has been FULL of things that make me want to write. To express myself! I have just been a bit uncomfortable with the whole world knowing about this change of events. The general reaction to it has varied between that general happiness that so many women feel about such news (and yes, it seems that women are a lot more into it than men) to overall shock. "You Jamila? You are the LAST person who I thought . . . " Hell, I am the last person I thought that would be taking this path. I believe in my "31 Things to Do Before 31 List" did not include anything like this. But, sometimes life throws you curveballs. Now Lord knows I have had enough major curveballs over the last few years to last a LIFETIME. Shoot, I welcome the dull, the boring, and the routine. However, I guess God has another plan for me that once again does not involve any control whatsoever over my destiny. C'est la vie!

But I digress. It's now a different journey. And I promise not to be corny about it (because, let's face it, except for maybe Jenny McCarthy, so many women are downright CORNY at this stage in their lives). But I have so many things I just need to express about it. From the fact that I seem to be experiencing every single bad side effect (I just thank God I don't have hemorrhoids) to the extreme annoyance that I feel now that people are touching my belly (seriously, it is really annoying).

So the journey is the same - it's just the destination is different (or maybe I have that backwards). But I hope that I'm still able to find some sort of outlet for the many challenges, stresses, and anxieties that this situation has created. Oh, and I hope I'm entertaining too.